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Relationship Concerns

Should I stay or leave relationship?  

Are you at a crossroads with your relationship and not sure what to do?  

Are you wondering whether the relationship is worth the effort or should you leave?  

Does your relationship have a lot of blame, resentment and hurt feelings?  

Are you stuck in the same conflicts with partner and wonder if will ever resolve?  

If you answered yes to any of these, you are in the right place. Whether you should stay or leave is a life changing decision. It will either contribute or prevent you from living your best life. Relationships are investments; it requires a lot of time and energy to have a strong, stable, healthy relationship. Therefore, you want to make sure that the relationship you are in is leading you to live your best life. It’s normal to have conflict in relationships and rough patches. However, when does it become too much? I will help you understand what creates healthy relationships, and what can deteriorate relationships. Often it can be a process to make this decision as significantly impacts your life. I will thoroughly go through with you the steps you can take to help gain clarity and resolve to the decision.  

I will prepare you with tools and skills to navigate through, some of the areas that we will cover:

♡ Listen to and trust your inner voice.

♡ Reflect and identify your own patterns and how to create healthier patterns that will nurture and sustain your relationship.

♡ Help you to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviors, needs and desires in relationship. 

♡ Help you to learn your attachment style, and how this influence your relationship.

♡ Help you to learn effective communication strategies.