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Conscious Uncoupling™

With all of the darkness you maybe going through, it's good to remember that where there is no light, you have the choice to become it" 

~ Katherine Woodward Thomas 

This isn’t what you planned for and, I am glad you are here.

I am a Certified Conscious Uncoupling™ Coach who has been personally trained and mentored by creator Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA.,MFT. Katherine Woodward Thomas is internationally acclaimed, New York Times Best Selling Author and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Katherine Woodward Thomas has positively changed the landscape on how we do divorce/break ups.

This program is for you:

♡ If this is preventing, you from opening your heart again to love

♡ If you keep repeating painful patterns in love, and don’t know how to break free from them

♡ If you have unresolved trauma, pain from a past break up, and can’t seem to move past

♡ If relationship is negatively impacting your children and you want a healthier home for them.

♡ If you desire to cultivate and develop a more loving relationship with yourself and others.

♡ If you desire to free yourself from negative emotions and resentment.

♡ If you desire to make peace, forgive yourself and everyone involved.

♡If you desire for happy, healthy love in the future and so much more...

Whether you are in the process of ending a relationship, struggling from unresolved trauma from a past relationship or considering ending a relationship, this can leave you shattered, devastated, conflicted with bitterness and blame. Sometimes it can spiral you down into destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Even though grief and pain are a normal part of going through the divorce/break up process, lingering feelings of negativity, resentment, being stuck, and engaging in unhealthy interactions don’t have to be your whole story and experience.

"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction"

Pablo Picasso

You can choose a different story and experience for yourself and your children; to leave children whole and healthy. Divorce/ breakups can also be catalysts for transformation:

It can help you to be more authentic, vulnerable, to openly reflect deeply on your own patterns. 

It can help you to embrace your worthiness to love and be loved. 

It can help you to honour and value your own needs while asking for what you want.

♡ It can help inspire you to create new skills and capacities to build a life with positive long-lasting results.

I myself went through the process of conscious uncoupling™, so I know how deep and transformative this process is. I will be here to hold a safe, and warm space to nudge you to keep going when breakdowns happen, and to help you awaken to a deeper love for yourself and others. Thousands of people have been helped by Katherine’s Woodward Thomas ground-breaking 5 step process of painful break ups who come out of this Happily Even After more whole, authentic, and have a greater happiness and healthier sense of self. And it’s possible for you to!

This journey isn’t easy. It makes it more bearable when you don’t feel so alone in the process. It requires compassion, support and guidance and this is where I can work alongside with you to navigate the journey.

Let’s work together and through this 5-step process you will experience:

Step 1: Emotional Freedom 

Learn to harness your difficult emotions and transform them from destructive impulses to constructive drivers of positive change.

Step 2: Reclaim Your Power and Your Life:

Reclaim your power by shifting your perspective to take personal responsibility for your part in what happened, freeing you from repeating the dynamic again.

Step 3: Break the Pattern, Heal Your Heart:

Identify your unconscious limiting beliefs and see how these were playing out in your relationship.

Step 4: Become a Love Alchemist:

Begin to see how you'll need to show up to create a positive future for you and everyone impacted by the break-up.

Step 5: Create Your Happily-Even-After Life:

Start reinventing your life by setting up new structures that will allow you and all involved to thrive after this transition.